【電影】[2016][美國] 最美的安排 (Collateral Beauty)

將「愛」、「時間」、「死亡」具現化,是一個非常有趣的點子。由 Will Smith 飾演的 Howard 掌控著公司的股權,但自女兒過世之後,一蹶不振,變得抑鬱與悲觀。而 Howard 的商業夥伴 Claire、Whit 與 Simon 便設了一個局,找來三個演員飾演 Howard 曾寫信的對象-「愛」、「時間」與「死亡」,並藉此製造出他精神不正常的證據。
這部片有著非常巧妙的安排,並不只是 Howard 所經歷的困難,「愛」、「時間」與「死亡」同時也代表 Claire、Whit 與 Simon 三人所遭遇到的困境。
這部戲有很多的人生哲理和寓意,有著許多美麗的台詞,而且卡司也都還不錯,不只是衰臉 Will Smith,還有演技超好的 Edward Norton、Kate Winslet,美麗的Keira Knightley 和 Helen Mirren,根本大咖雲集呀!

  • “We’re here to connect. Love, time, death. Now these three things connect every single human being on earth. We long for love, we wish we had more time and we fear death.”
  • “Just be sure to notice the collateral beauty. It’s the profound connection to everything.”
  • Aimee Moore: “Love is the reason for everything.”
    Howard Inlet: “I felt you everyday when she laughed and you broke my heart!”
    Aimee Moore: “I was there in her laugh, but I’m also here now in your pain.”
  • “I’m the reason for everything. If you can accept that then maybe you get to live again.” (Aimee Moore)


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