Table of Contents
Ⅰ. 人文的甦醒:歐洲文藝復興繪畫

Saint Jerome in his Study
書房中的聖傑洛姆 about 1475

The Rape of Ganymede
被強擄的加尼米德 about 1575

The Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the
Baptist (‘The Garvagh Madonna’)
聖母子與施洗者約翰(加瓦聖母)about 1510–11

Portrait of a Lady, perhaps Contessa Lucia Albani
Avogadro (‘La Dama in Rosso’)
德羅(紅衣女士)about 1556–60

Portrait of a Lady (‘La Schiavona’)
女士肖像(來自達爾馬提亞的女士)about 1510–12

The Virgin and Child Enthroned, with Four Angels
寶座上的聖母子與四位天使 about 1506–9
Ⅱ. 從王室到平民:巴洛克繪畫

Saint Mary Magdalene
抹大拉的瑪利亞 about 1634–5

The Virgin in Prayer
祈禱的聖母 about 1640–50

Boy bitten by a Lizard
被蜥蜴咬傷的男孩 about 1594–5

Self Portrait at the Age of 63
六十三歲自畫像 1669

A Musical Party in a Courtyard
庭院裡的音樂會 1677
Ⅲ. 探索與創造:壯遊風潮

A River with Fishermen
有漁民的河流 1751

Venice: Entrance to the Cannaregio
威尼斯:卡納雷吉歐區入口 probably 1734–42

The Parting of Hero and Leander from the Greek of Musaeus
海洛和利安德的離別(出自希臘詩人穆塞厄斯)before 1837

Stratford Mill
史特拉福磨坊 1820

Portrait of a Lady (Madame de Gléon?)
女士肖像(格萊昂夫人?)about 1760

Portrait of John Scott (?) of Banks Fee
班克斯費的約翰.斯科特(?)肖像 1774

Portrait of Charles William Lambton (‘The Red Boy’)
Ⅳ. 光線與色彩:印象派繪畫

鳶尾花 about 1914–17

酒杯 probably 1875

Long Grass with Butterflies
長草地與蝴蝶 1890